Are you aware of recent online scams pertaining to shipping motorcycles or power sport vehicles? If not, there are many online classifieds in which scam artists are posting ads for hauling motorcycles for a low cost. Some advertise that they will cross state lines, while other stay local. Be very careful when responding to advertisements posted on online classifieds.
It has been reported throughout the country that many who respond to these ads in hopes to get cheap shipping of their motorcycle or power sport vehicle, fall victim to theft. Here are a few things to pay attention to when hiring someone to ship your motorcycle or power sport vehicle;
- Payment Methods- If the
potential shipping company requires that you pay via MoneyGram or Western Union only, a red flag should go off. This is a very common practice for scam artists as they want no paper trail leading back to them.
- Company History- Ensuring you research the company you are hiring can reduce the risk of being scammed when transporting a motorcycle or power sport vehicle. If you are unable to speak with a real person, a red flag should be raised.
Power Sports Shipping provides customers with a worry free experience when shipping motorcycles or power sport vehicles locally or within the US. Customers are provided with the option of updated tracking, which allows you to know where your vehicle is as any given time. Photos are taken upon loading the vehicle, ensuring we hold responsibility if anything were to happen during the move.
Simply fill out our free quote form to get an estimate on how much it will cost to ship your motorcycle or power sport vehicle from Power Sports Shipping. You may call us with any questions you may have about our company! 1-800-963-9216 We look forward to hearing from you.